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PLAXIS 2D is a user-friendly, finite-element package that provides you with the ability to model diverse geotechnical problems from a single, integrated application. You can analyze the deformation and stability of projects ranging from excavations, embankments, and foundations to tunneling, mining, and geomechanics.
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PLAXIS 3D offers CAD-like drawing capabilities to help with the analysis of subsurface environments for geoengineering projects. From excavations, embankments, foundations, tunneling, and mining, to reservoir geomechanics, users can determine the deformation and stability of geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics to assess the geotechnical risk.
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PLAXIS Monopile Designer
PLAXIS Monopile Designer offers an enhanced design method that dramatically reduces the amount of steel needed for monopile foundations, lowering the overall costs of wind farms. It allows the transfer of results of the PISA Joint Industry Research Project into daily engineering practices.
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